April 30, 2015

Comparing Poetry

I’m going to be comparing ‘ At the Border, 1979’ and ‘ Belfast Confetti’ and I found that there are equally similarities and differences.
In ‘ At the Border, 1979’ there is a women and she left Iraq for Kurdistan because of a civil war, likewise in ‘ Belfast confetti’ this man country is in civil war because of his religion and he is in a situation that he doesn’t want to be in. Also in ’at the border’, the family didn’t choose to be in the civil war and not in there situation. We can tell that this family is happy to return home and that they haven’t got anything in their way because it says “A man bent down and kissed his muddy homeland”. However in Belfast confetti the man is trapped by the riot squad and he cannot find his way home, to his safe haven.

In At the Border the poem is written in the first person like wise in Belfast confetti, in first person the poem sounds realistic and it feels like we are in there situation. If the poem was written in 3rd person the poem would be less dramatic and most likely ruin the poem.
In At the border the women has passed her conflict and returning to her home country. However in Belfast confetti the man is during the conflict and a observer of the situation. When the person in the conflict we as a reader feel what the character is feeling but when its after the conflict it doesn’t feel the same.

Both of the poems are very similar and both about war. I believe that the poets wrote these poems to show people the horror of war and what people have to do to get of the situation they are in. In At the border this women and had to fled to Kerdistan because of a war in a her country. When we turn to Belfast confetti this person is struggling to get out of his situation. In at the border these people are returning to Iran so the poem is happy joyful. However in Belfast confetti the poem is talking about a terrorist attack and that this man is trying to escape so the poem is dark and anxious. But in the title it says confetti and when I think of confetti it reminds me of celebrations and happiness, but I thing the poet means confetti as a Molotov or a bomb because confetti spreads every where and explodes, so it’s a metaphor. However in At the border the title explains the poem so it is not a metaphor. In my opinion these two poems are very similar because they are both showing a message about war and how it can effect peoples life’s and how scared people can get and that these wars can split love ones from each other. So Apart from the minor differences of the poems I think these two poems are very close to be the same.


